Around the time of the Super Full Moon in November 2016, I was gifted with a group experience of receiving! It was a Peruvian Bone Reading with JoAnne Dodgson, who I have had the gift of working with before. It was powerful, compassionate and reflected so much about the greater wisdom that the Earth and her inhabitants are here offering every moment, if we are willing to be aware of it!

The ancient Peruvian divination and healing art system follows the ways of Ka Ta See which focuses on elemental, plant and animal spirits simply being their natural way.  They are expressions of deeply grounded gifts to us. We can embody these wisdom teachings in relationship in almost every situation we experience. Another way to put it is that we are offered an opportunity of deeper insight and we are free to choose see within and around us how these messages manifest and guide us through this journey of our life.

Much of the overall theme addressed the idea that we are all being called to experience a lot of letting go of the old (Whale), clarify our own personal vision (Sun/Song), stay open to new ways of giving/receiving healing (Osha Root) and activate our inner passion for our own truth (River). An element of play was expressed through Wild Boar by asking: “What is most delicious about life for you in relationships?” Hmmmm….yummy question!!!

For information about this work and JoAnne beautiful offerings, visit: www.joannedodgson.com

Photos: JoAnne reading the bones (below), Bone Throw (JoAnne’s photo, above)


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