Owl Gourd Rattle – Sold!

Gourd, Elk bone handle, leather, sheep fur,
with bone, hair-pipe and red coral bead.

Honoring the 4 Directions: East/Yellow, South/Red,
West/Black, North/White and Father Sky with a
turquoise stripe and Mother Earth with a Brown Stripe.

Sacred Rattle with an open heart and purity of thought,
I call in the spark of Divine Life Force.  May Spirit hear
my prayers and open the channels of love, abundance
and creative inspiration into my life.


See my Etsy Shop: SacredCreativeDesign
my Studio @ 315 Old Haw Creek Road,
Asheville, 28805, Hours: 312-437-4325



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Gourd Rattle represents the earth, and the handle represents the axis of the Hero Twins, iconic figures of ancient Mayan lore who help keep the earth spinning. Of the squash family, gourd or askutasguash, has the honor of being the seed carrier and spark of life. She teaches us about boundaries with the essence of purity of new life.

Elk handle embodies stamina, courage and strength in community. Nobility and pride are their gifts that support us in building self esteem and trust in our deeper knowing.

Owls live within the darkness, which includes magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge. In connection to the moon, owl becomes a symbol of the feminine wisdom and fertility, with the her cycles of renewal.

Bone + Horn enhances one’s strength, power, wisdom and dignity. They represent the cycle of death and rebirth, the masculine principles, earth and fire and the medicine of the shape-shifter.

Red Coral is considered magical and associated with emotional healing. Worn as a protective amulet for expectant mothers and newborns it was also considered a remedy for blood, bone and skeletal disorders.