Reading the Bones
– Lisa B, Arizona
My reading was extraordinary! Not only was it spot on, Desiree was patient, com- passionate and helpful with my situation. I absolutely recommend a session with her. It may blow your mind!
– Maraya S, Oregon
My reading was so insightful. Desiree’s knowledge and understanding of the bones is extensive. It was confirming and supportive about where I am going in my life. Amazing! I highly recommend her!
– Ann L, Michigan
My Sacred Symbols Reading with Desiree completely knocked my socks off! It was profoundly accurate and connected so many dots. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you.
Sacred Symbols
This ancient Art of Divination is also known as Reading the Bones. A sacred ceremony is created with the use of everyday curios to represent people, places, ideas, or experiences that make up your life’s story. You can inquire about personal, relationship or ancestral topics, or more general questions about the future.
It can include Ancestral Healing which reframes inherited wounds and traumas that have been passed down by your family members. The wisdom of the symbols identifies patterns and beliefs allowing for the opportunity to make new choices.
My training is imparted through the lineage of Traditional Doctor P.H. Mtshali, a Zulu Sangoma, or shaman, and through my mentor Sangoma Gogo Gretchen Krilly McKay.
Watch New+Full Moon Readings on YouTube!
My readings on Zoom open with a Shamanic Invocation to ground and create sacred space. Live Readings available at Elder Apothecary, Ashland, Oregon.
CLICK HERE: Readings on YouTube!
1 hour Reading: $157
One hour sessions are great follow-ups. I recommend your first session to be 1.5hrs.
1.5 hour Reading: $233
2 hour Reading: $307
This longer session includes Shamanic Healing energy work with a Bone Reading.
30 min Follow-Up: $89
These shorter Follow Ups can be used to dive deeper into your first reading or can include additional questions. Along they are good for one or two questions. Call 312-437-4325 for more information or to book a session.
Group Readings
The fee is customized to meet your groups size, setting and intention. Call 312-437-4325 for more information.

Sacred Geometry by Vandorn Hinnant
Your Journey Starts Here
Bring your questions and goals together to form an Intention
Focus your Attention into practices that transform your life
Behavior is the highest form of communication – Daniel Dennett
The Mind Sees
in Symbols
and Metaphors

Light is information which resides and is accessable in the infinite and eternal space known as the Quantum or Knowing Field, the Akash, the Great Mystery and All That Is.