Sacred Art

Created by Divine Forces

Greater than Ourselves

is in-spirited work created for ceremony or personal healing. Made from natural materials that spark a direct connection with our true source.

BAGS+DRUM DESIGNS transmit intention into this ancient tool. Drum is the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and resonates with cosmic forces.

RATTLES, STICKS+FANS are channels for intentions and prayers. They direct the path for calling in your hopes, dreams, and visions.

AMULETS+TALISMANS are worn on the body or hung on the wall for restoring personal power and activating protection.

COMMISSIONS: 312-437-4325 + NEW WORK @ Elder Apothecary, Ashland, OR

CLICK HERE TO VISIT MY Etsy Shop@SacredCreativeDesigns

Snake Drum Custom Painted

Custom Designs


Watch My Interview with
Dr. Elizabeth Ssemanda MD PhD
Healing Through Creativity

turtle amulet
golden smudge fan
crystal wish stick
turtle amulet

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