Special Holiday Pricing at Haw Creek Commons Studio!

Visit my website, stop by the studio or come to Black Mountain . . .
SEE MANY OF MY SACRED ART PIECES at Design Driven Studio: 102 Black Mountain Ave . . .

HAW CREEK STUDIO @ Haw Creek Commons: 315 Old Haw Creek Road, Asheville, 28805
ENCAUSTIC & SACRED ART: Desiree DeMars: https://www.desireedemars.com
PHOTOGRAPHY & ENCAUSTIC: Carrie Wagner: www,carriewagner.com

MIXED MEDIA: Sandee Johnson: www.sandeejohnson.com

See the gorgeous sanctuary, the co-op office spaces (ground floor), a spectacular commercial kitchen, meeting rooms and my new studio in the creative space on the 2nd floor! Learn more about the community project which includes the garden, chickens and bees, the many public rental opportunities and the vision of Missional Wisdom at https://www.hawcreekcommons.com

ENCAUSTICS, MONO-PRINTS + SACRED SYMBOLS: from the Sangoma tradition of Southern Africa, which I use in my Intuitive Readings and Shamanic Energy Sessions.

SACRED SYMBOLS READINGS: My readings have evolved from training with colleague and mentor,  Gogo Gretchen Krilly McKay. Her initiation as a Sangoma came through many years of mentorship with TD P.H. Mtshali  and the Sangoma tradition of Southern Africa. You can learn more about this ancestral healing work at http://www.ancestralwisdom.com/about.html

The shamanic world view reminds us that everything is alive, consciously connected and inter-dependent. You can call 312.437.4325 or email: desiree@desireedemars.com for more information.

PHOTOS: Amethyst + Cactus Talking Stick (above),  Design Driven Studio with Corinne + Jose Bello, http://www.designdrivenstudio.com/, (below left), Mixed Media by Sandee Johnson (bottom right).


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