Merry Makers Market!

Merry Makers Market!

MERRY MAKERS MARKET: Saturday, December 7th: 10am-3pm . . . HAW CREEK COMMONS: 315 Old Haw Creek Road, 28805 WANTED: ARTISTS, MAKERS & MUSICIANS!  +  ALL THOSE WHO MAKE MERRY!Buy • Sell • Trade • Indoor & Outdoor Spaces • Music & Refreshments • Silent...

Arts+Craft Sale: Uganda Benefit

Saturday, November 10, 3-7pm, Haw Creek Commons:  Artists, Fair Trade Crafts, African Food and Art Exhibition . . . Sales proceeds support the work of Village Wisdom Partners in Western Uganda. Haw Creek Commons and Village Wisdom Partners are co-hosting this event to...
New Studio+Website: 9/2018

New Studio+Website: 9/2018

S P A C E   T O   C R E A T E . . . A New Website + A New Studio @ Haw Creek Commons . . . I AM OVER THE MOON EXCITED about my new site and new digs! It’s been a long haul with a lot of twists and turns, (sounds like an eclipse kind of a thing doesn’t it?), but the...

Haw Creek Commons: 6/2018

COMMUNITY & CO-CREATION AT IT’S BEST . . . VEGGIES AND EGGS AND ART . . . OH MY! Its been a full, lush, green and abundant summer here in Asheville! Spring kicked off with record breaking amounts of rain and the gardening season exploded! Ive been eating...