concerning the grande conjunction by Vandorn Hinnant

Image: Concerning the Grande Conjunction by Vandorn Hinnant. Vandorn is a visual artist, poet and educator based in Durham, North Carolina who is inspirited through the wisdom of Sacred Geometry.

Truth, Clarity, Awakening
. . .  big astrological themes for our collective remembering right now. The Full Moon in Libra on April 6th in the US, is a liminal or in-between time. The old continues to crumble and fall even though the new is not yet formed. Libra asks us to look at where we are not in balance with the whole. It is a time to reflect deeply on our collective losses and trauma due to ego domination for so long.

NEW + FULL MOON SYMBOLS READINGS known as Reading the Bones on YouTube: CLICK HERE!

It is also time to take action toward awakening ourselves, which in turn assists in awakening others. Research for yourself the destruction to all of life that is and has been happening right before our eyes. Action is educating yourself about the truth of the military industrial complex and the crimes of climate engineering that have been happening for decades. Share this knowledge with others so that enough of us can say No More! and end the needless suffering of the life giving systems that support us every day!  WATCH The Dimming, a full length climate engineering film.

Here in the US we are also experiencing a 245 year Pluto Return. Pluto represents the process of Death, Transformation and Rebirth with permanent change for the better. It is linked to the myth of Persephone and you can learn more about this through Pam Gregory, astrologer and her down to earth take on these massive cycles in her weekly YouTube videos. You can download a free birth chart from her website and purchase a two-part tutorial that explains how to follow along in her readings and what it specifically means for you.

The Full Moon on October 20th this year, marks the start of a powerful 6 month process of concentrated influences that will be hitting our entire economy. These fundamental changes will influence taxes and government control around debt and restructuring within the banking systems. A parallel Pam sees is that this will be an echo of what happened with people’s values and what the colonists did during the time of Declaration of Independence. How will you co-create the future of y/our New Earth?

Humanity’s Team is an organization that holds the vision of
“Changing Humanity’s Future Through Conscious Community & Transformational Education”. Their programs support the research and ideas of visionaries, pioneers and trail blazers through a full spectrum of topics surrounding human evolution and consciousness. One upcoming program is about how science and physics are emerging with new data that mirrors ancient wisdom about who we really are and the vast untapped potential we have.

Scientist Gregg Braden and physicist Nassim Haramein have joined Humanity’s Team to present many years of research about our true origins in a special program called Secret Scientific Discoveries that are Changing Everything. Neale Donald Walsh and others will follow over the next several days. You can click the program title for the link to register along with more details.


If you receive a NEWSLETTER from me that has blue boxes with question marks in them in place of an image, it is for one of three reasons: 1) You have no Internet connection, which prevents mail from downloading the images. 2) The message is in your Junk Mail folder. 3) Mail refuses to grab images for these messages as a safety measure due to your security settings. Some have asked about this and this is the explanation from the chimp himself! Apologies for those who cannot see the images. You can also read the news post through your browser. Thanks! Now back to the juice . . .

I have embarked on a citizen scientist project involving water, specifically the intelligence of water.
This exploration is based on over 10,000 images of crystallography by Veda Austin and one of her epic masterclasses. On a molecular level we are 99% water which is profound and yet we know so little about this amazing substance that takes on the form of a solid, liquid, gas and plasma!

Many years ago I was a part of a group experimenting with healing polluted water through my shamanic studies with Sandra Ingerman and Dr. Masaru Emoto. Emoto, a pioneer in the study of water, a Japanese businessman, author and pseudoscientist who claimed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water. His work demonstrated without a doubt that water is shaped by environment, thoughts and emotions. His 2004 book, The Hidden Messages in Water, was a New York Times best seller. To get a better sense of his discoveries you can watch his Experiment in Gratitude.

samples of veda austin's hydroglyphs

Samples of Veda Austin’s advanced research with discovering Hydroglyphs; Tree/Toroidal Field

Now through ongoing research with crystallography and the historical work of scientist René Quinton, a French biologist and physiologist, who revolutionized the scientific paradigms of his time, we continue to unravel the mystery of life and consciousness that resides within us. Quinton based his scientific theory on a universal premise which made up his basic therapies to rebuild damaged cells by means of seawater. He discovered that seawater has a similar chemical composition to blood plasma. You can follow the latest research and get Quinton Water today through a company called Water and Wellness. Back to Austin . . .

At first glance Austin appears to be a small soft spoken woman with words of wisdom beyond her years. But the more you listen to her stories about her life and her water research you realize there is something to all of it that is so much greater than what you see on the surface. By observing water in the process of freezing, the intricately layered levels of information and insight that mingle within this transparent substance are brought into form. What is revealed is nothing short of miraculous! The simplicity of this kind of water research makes it something anyone can do, yet what one must develop, is the ability to see and understand the symbology of the images that are created in that process. One must, in essence, learn a new language which is growing and known as hydroglyphs.

Veda Austin describes herself this way:I am a water researcher and in my more professional capacity I have spent several years as chief of research and development for a health and longevity based company identifying the qualitative aspects of water and the signature patterns of different types of water through crystallography. I have owned, bottled, labelled and represented my own boutique alkaline water company, and run my own wellness center in New Zealand. I’ve written and illustrated several books and worked professionally as an artist for 15 years painting large oils on canvas for hotels, restaurants and companies as well as many private commissions. I’ve also designed first day covers and stamps for the New Zealand post.”

25 years ago Austin was the passenger in one of New Zealand’s worst car accidents in it’s history. Her friend, the driver, died instantly and miraculously she survived. Reflecting on the experience she says, Every path we take has its purpose. This event led me on my healing journey with water and the work I do now. If I ever need reminding that I’m meant to be here, I just have to look at this photo and the faces of my 3 amazing children that doctors told me I could never have.”  This image of the accident (below) is taken from Austin’s website.

Veda's car crash in NZ

So how do we create a new world or new earth of more conscious humans?
I say follow the signs. Signs are everywhere, within and throughout everything around us and available every moment. My 25 years of shamanic studies and practicing divination with symbol readings has shown me, that without a doubt, everything is connected to a greater consciousness. How we choose to perceive each event or experience we have is what determines how the breadcrumbs appear or fall before us. The examples are endless. You can converse with your dreams, poems, wisdom teachings, art, children, elders, creatures great and small, both wild and domestic and with the infinite images of nature’s divine expression.

I find BQH Hypnosis, Shamanic Healing and Symbols Readings
that utilize the ancient art of divination to be essential. These are some of many tools available for you to uncover how life is communicating with you all the time.

1) You can watch a 2 minute demonstration with Austin and a colleague using intention and sound
before freezing water.
Or CLICK HERE to see examples of her crystallography collection!

2) You can participate in a FREE event: Conversations with Nature WORLD SUMMIT 2023 which runs Wednesday April 12th through Saturday the 15th, starting at 10am UK time, to learn more about animal communication, cosmic consciousness and energetic activism.

crystallography examples by Veda Austin

Crystallography Examples by Veda Austin

OR 3) You can watch this interview with Simran, an award winning author and host of 11:11 Talk Radio. Her books are Signs: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points, and Divine Guideposts (Common Sentience) and Knowing: The 7 Human Expressions of Grace (The Self Realization Series)

And finally, I will let the research of Dr. Mauro Zappaterra about our CSF or Cerebral Spinal Fluid, reveal the parallels of sea water complete this news post . . . enjoy the journey . . . Aho!


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