by Desiree | Feb 5, 2023 | Coaching, Events, NewsArticle, Newsletter
DIRECT REVELATION is to view, know, or experience something that is an astonishing or shocking disclosure or can be a pleasant enlightening surprise! It is a deep experience of communication from what is often called divine truth, something that is received by...
by Desiree | Jan 19, 2023 | Coaching, Events, NewsArticle, Newsletter
BREAK THE CYCLE OF ANCESTRAL TRAUMA Give Yourself the Gifts of Peace, Hope, and Transformation Historically, people worldwide have cultivated sacred relationships with their ancestors, asking them for healing, protection, and guidance. I’m honored to be a...
by Desiree | Oct 31, 2022 | Coaching, Events, NewsArticle, Newsletter, Travels
Pronounced no·o·sphere. noun: noosphere; plural noun: noospheres; a postulated sphere or stage of evolutionary development dominated by consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal relationships (frequently referenced to the writings of Teilhard de Chardin;...
by Desiree | Mar 3, 2022 | Coaching, NewsArticle, Newsletter
This eye or vortex appeared during my Weekly Symbols Reading as I was recording for my YouTube channel! THE EYE OF GOD is a symbol that represents a Divine Watchfulness of the Supreme Being within the entire universe. It is often shown as a single human eye enclosed...