OM SANCTUARY : From Burnout to Bursting With Life!
Join me along with the team from Epione at this exquisite time of year in the mountains of North Carolina! Your stay of 4 delightful days, September 20-23rd in sacred community, will shift your body, mind and spirit back into alignment.
The program led by Dr. Lulu Shimek, Adora Winquist and Nasrin Safai will take you on a journey of self- transformation to Dream your biggest vision, Nourish deep levels of self-care and Awaken to the magic within you at the majestic beauty of OM Sanctuary in Asheville.
The beauty of this program allows for every individual to commune with others of like mind, create life-long bonds while being fully heard, seen and understood from a physical, emotional and spiritual perspective with leaders in holistic health field with a combined 55 years experience.
Restore, Recover and Reclaim–your health and your vibrancy by using the essential tools that will ignite your innate ability to heal: delicious natural foods, soothing spa treatments and specialty services offered by Desiree.
Call 312.437-4325, email:,