Love More Love

Love More Love

A true inspiration, Vandorn Hinnant, fellow lightworker, artist, poet, teacher and medicine man, has 2 sculptures currently on exhibition at the Chastain Arts Center in Atlanta GA with a reception on Saturday, March 2, 2024. Two works from his PORTAL SERIES are...
New Frontiers of Frequency

New Frontiers of Frequency

In the new reality Soul will be the supreme force, consciousness of the interpenetration of the visible and invisible realms will be the most valuable thing, and anything will be possible.— Penney Pierce, Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration.  Close Up Image of...
Full Circle 2023

Full Circle 2023

Instinctively, we recognize that we are required to let go of what is familiar, prepare to enter, and open ourselves to the unknown. Our passage through the gate is irreversible. After we open the gate and stand upon the threshold, we must do the work of...
The Joy of Creating

The Joy of Creating

A GIFT OF GRATITUDE + CELEBRATION for 2023 + VISIONING 2024! HOLIDAY SPECIAL OFFER: 1 Hour READINGS $15 Off These readings can be insightful and life changing. Address questions about your soul blueprint or your ancestors that will support your journey. HOLIDAY...
Core Beliefs: Mind Your Mind

Core Beliefs: Mind Your Mind

My research has shown me that when emotions are expressed – which is to say that the biochemicals that are the substrate of emotion are flowing freely – all systems are united and made whole. — Mind Your Mind: Using the power of words by Amanda Peet HOLIDAY SPECIAL: 1...
Patterns+Underlying Order

Patterns+Underlying Order

PATTERNS REFLECT UNDERLYING ORDER One of the greater external patterns in life are the seasonal cycles. In fact, we have just crossed the Autumnal Equinox, the time of equal light and dark in the northern hemisphere, which offers a time to reflect on the element of...